
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Louis R. George – 371st BS 43-44

Back from the dead
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Elmer R. Vogel – 372nd BS 10-3-44

I was a ball gunner.
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of John W. May Jr. – 372nd BS 1944

The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of George W. Krum-370th BS 1944

A Letter to the VA
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of James Hobstetter – 370th BS May 10, 44

WWII Journal of Capt James Hobstetter
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Tom Harris – 372nd BS 44-45

Fresh Eggs for Breakfast
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Michael P. Falcone – 371st BS 1944

Army Life
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Douglas C. Busath – 370th BS 1944

I got a Telegrams
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Michael M. Woyciesjis – 424th BS 43-44

The Secret Log
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Michael M. Michlo -371st BS 43-44 Radio Op

Crew Member of the "Red Ass"