
An older man with glasses reads a document.

Memoir of Servando J. Ayala, 371st BS, 43-45

Memoir of Servando J. Ayala
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Lt. Louis S. Zamperini – 372nd BS, 42-43
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Reed Fullmer – 370th BS 44-45

The Story of the Missing Reed Fullmer
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Charles T. Daum – 371st BS 1945

My Notes on overseas service
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Lt. Peter DiSanti – 371st BS 1945

Letter to Uncle DiSanti
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Daglin D. Salmon – 424th BS 1944

A Simple Headstone
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Harry G. Morgan – 371st BS 44-45

My Air Missions
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Malcolm A. Willard – 372nd BS 44-45

My Time Over the Ocean
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Harold U. Thomas – 371st BS 44-45

Hawaii in July
The 307th Bombardment Assn

Memoir of Jack Sloan – 372nd BS 44-45

Booker-Fortunato Crew